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Home > 9. Operational/Synoptic > 9.43 SMOS Salinity
Level 1 and Level 2 Science Data Products
This includes the complete Level 1B/1C and Level 2 SM/OS dataset v6, i.e. all the operational and reprocessed science products generated with the latest operational version of the processors (v62x). This version is running on the SMOS Data Processing Ground Segment since May 2015.
Near Real Time Data Products
This includes the NRT Level 1 Brightness Temperature "Light" product (in BUFR format) and the NRT Level 2 Soil Moisture product generated using a Neural Network algorithm (in netCDF format), distributed within 3 and 4 hours from sensing respectively.
Those users not having an ESA EO-SSO account should follow the instructions for creating one beforehand.
You can search for and browse all products openly, but you must be registered in order to download files from the ESA SMOS Online Dissemination Service. In order to register using your own EO-SSO account, please proceed as follows:
Login with your EO-SSO account into the "My Earthnet" section at the top of this page
Click "Add ESA products", add "SMOS L1 and L2 Science data products", accept both "Terms&Conditions" and finally click on the "Save" button to complete the registration process.
Products can be accessed and downloaded either via HTTP or FTP/FTPES, following the guidelines described here.