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Murray Brown - Contact Information
Murray Brown, the editor of this website, is available for discussions about these exercises (especially comments about errors or needed upgrades).
My new home address is:
208 Hubbell St.
Edgewater, Florida, 32132
United States of America
My email address is m.brown.nsb <at> gmail.com
My [US] phone number is 1-386-341-0868
Murray Brown
Basic Information:
Send me an EMAIL
About Me:
- B.S. Chemistry, Duke University, 1969
- Licentiate Scientiarum (Ph.D.) Marine Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, 1975. In Nils Jerlov's lab.
- 1976-1999, U.S. Government; Physical Scientist, and Oceanographer. Program Manager for government environmental studies in the Gulf of Mexico (chemical, geological, physical, cultural (!), and information management), totaling over $60 M. Wrote OPCPlot, the first operational marine GIS, oriented toward physical monitoring of coastal circulation.
- 1991-2013, UNESCO - Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission - International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) courses author and lecturer in marine data management for the OceanTeacher Academy (OTA)
- Authored 117 articles in the OTA Digital Library on Marine Data Management, constituting the original training resource
- Click HERE to see a synopsis of my IODE training activities (latest listed first) since 2001.
- Received the IODE 2011 Achievement Award
- Retired from active IODE teaching in 2013, to tend my garden in Florida and work on MDL and smaller teaching jobs on my own
- His personal HELP Desk for all OTA and MDL students has been in operation since the late 90's
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